The design and construction of public transport infrastructure is currently a key activity for the development of communities.
Underground railways design is a complex activity that involves the delicate balance between often conflicting multiple factors: mobility needs, compatibility with activities on the surface and urban structure, the historical and archaeological assets of the region, the opportunities for renewal associated with the transformations accompanying these projects.
The functional and aesthetic conception of infrastructures dedicated to transport must be aimed at building a friendly, caring and efficient city, whilst pursuing a renewed quality of life projecting it towards a new future. From planning the alignment, to the tunnels, to the control centres and the safety systems.
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vg59* Progetti Multimediali
Corso Bolzano 14 - 10121 Torino
P.I. 10132770016
REA TO-1108130
Capitale sociale i.v. 6.612.840€
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Corso Bolzano 14 - 10121 Torino
P.I. 04639280017
REA TO-648000
Capitale sociale i.v. 3.469.700€
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