Attiko Metro / JV J&P - Avax S.A. - Ghella S.p.A - Alstom Transport S.A.
€ 64 million
2012 - 2015
First example of Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) for a Metro in Italy, the realization of Line D provides a better accessibility to the historic center of Rome, improving both the urban and environmental quality. The strong archeological and anthropic constraints linked to the peculiarity of Rome play an important role in the project considering that the line will cross the central core of the city. The complexity and size of the work need a high profile of national and international competency to approach all the matters of civil engineering and tunneling, architecture, environment, archeology, system technologies, and financial engineering.
The project involves the realization of a 6,505m-long single-tube, double-track tunnel, excavated by means of an EPB-TBM with a diameter of 9.5m, and six new stations. The project develops in urban environment and the tunnel is located in weak rocks such as schist and limestone.
Geological-geotechnical report for the Re-subsmission of the TBM Tunneling Plan; Detailed Design of the tunnel segmental lining; Geotechnical evaluation and detailed design of the TBM tunnel interstations and delivery of the PAT (Plan for Advance of Tunnel) encompassing the back-analysis of the TBM tunnel excavation monitoring data to feed the PAT.
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