Seminario GEAM - 08/03/2022
Seminario GEAM dell'8/3/2022
"Valutazione del rischio legato al carsismo mediante modellazione GIS e remote sensing"
Seminario GEAM dell'8/3/2022
"Valutazione del rischio legato al carsismo mediante modellazione GIS e remote sensing"
InfraBIManager Master Politecnico di Torino (DISEG) Presentazione del 27/11/2021
Strumenti e metodi per la progettazione di una linea metropolitana con il BIM
EUROENGEO 2020 - 3rd European Regional Conference of IAEG
We are proud to announce the acceptance of 3 papers proposed by Geodata for EUROENGEO 2020 planned for October in Athens.
Geodata will attend the online event in program next September 21-24 in Turin
Superstar Cities: Transforming for success
On July 2, 2020 Federico Bontempi speaker at MUF 2020 - Moscow Urban Forum
Convention and Exhibition Centre - 10th-13th May 2021
Come and meet Geodata Engineering's Team at booth 25!
Australasian Tunnelling Conference 2020+1 is fast approaching
See you all at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, booth No.25.
As part of the collaboration with EUCENTRE, GEODATA is funding the Doctoral Scholarship "Understanding and Managing Extremes"
Corso di aggiornamento per CSP/CSE Sicurezza cantieri in ambito ferroviario - FOIP FAD Sincrona - Modulo 11/2/2021
Il cantiere del nuovo Collegamento Ferroviario Torino-Ceres - GEAM Seminario online 10/12/2020
As part of the initiatives of WTC in Naples, ITACET Foundation and SIG organized a 2-days Training Course dedicated to Information Technologies used in design, construction and maintenance of underground works, with a particular focus to BIM (Building Information Modelling).
May 3-9, 2019
Geodata has been present at WTC 2019 in Naples - Pavilion 10 - Booth 17
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Corso Bolzano 14 - 10121 Torino
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