OAO Metrostroy
€ 565 million
2013 - 2014
The metro system of the city of St. Petersburg includes 5 lines and the opening of Line 1 dates back to 1955. The very complex geology of the zone and the difficulties deriving from crossing the Neva River have also represented a big challenge for both technicians and public administration when it came to approach the realization of underground infrastructures in this area. The upgrade of the overall metro system in still on- going and Line 5, once completed, will have 18 stations and some 25km of length.
The project is located in the south part of the city of St. Petersburg and involves the construction of a single- bore, double-track tunnel between Stations “Uzhnaya” and “Prospect Slavy”. This section is approximately 3.8km-long and it will be excavated by means of an EPB-TBM manufactured by Herrenknecht, with external diameter of 10.3 meters. The main elements of project are: the depot, the "Uzhnaya" station, the TBM launching shaft and the tunnel towards the "Prospect Slavy" station. Along the line the "Dunaisky Prospekt" intermediate station will be built by Cut&Cover method. From an urban context point of view the line develops in 3 areas:
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