Prefeitura de Curitiba / Consorcio CR Almeida–Ghella-Salini Impregilo-Maulicelli-Keolis
€ 1,960 million
2013 - 2014
Since the 70’s the city of Curitiba, capital of the State of Paraná, experienced a fast-growing urbanization and a progressive increase of population. The city is known for being the first one in the world to host a BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) system which entered in operation in 1974. In early 2000 the idea to provide the city with a metro system was proposed by the Prefecture of Curitiba. The Blue Line will be the first metro line in the city and the project will be developed and managed under a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) contract. The Concessionaire will operate and administrate the line for 35 years.
The Blue line crosses the city of Curitiba from South-north with a global length of 21.4km. The project will be implemented in 2 phases: the first one from terminal CIC to Rua das Flores, and the second one from Passeio to Santa Candida. The estimated demand for 2044 year is about 270.000 passenger/year and a driverless system is designed with train headway up to 80sec. Running line in mainly in tunnel (19km) with 20 underground stations (17 cut and cover and 3 as cavern stations). The project has been developed with great attention to sustainability and reduction of the surface impacts.
Preliminary Design
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Corso Bolzano 14 - 10121 Torino
P.I. 10132770016
REA TO-1108130
Capitale sociale i.v. 6.612.840€
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Corso Bolzano 14 - 10121 Torino
P.I. 04639280017
REA TO-648000
Capitale sociale i.v. 3.469.700€
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