Moskow Metro/ZAO Engeokom
€ 53 million
2013 - 2013
The Nizhniaya Maslovka station is the only deep station (70m of cover) of the new Tretij Peressadochnyj Kontur metro line in the city of Moscow. The line includes 5 stations and, according to the traditional Russian design-method, the layout of the metro line consists of three parallel, single-bore, double-tracks tunnels. In January 2013 the contractor in charge for the implementation of the station, ZAO Engeokom, appointed Geodata to study an alternative design of the station in order to reduce both time and costs for construction.
The proposed alternative solution designed by Geodata has developed the idea to change the construction technology of the station as well as the architectural planimetrical solution. The station has been conceived to be realized in a big cavern to be excavated by NATM, and its length has been reduced to 225m (against the original 450m).The functional distribution of the rooms and all the technological aspects have been adapted considering the constraints of the basic solution. The space has been rearranged in order to have 3 levels where to place the TPP, the BTP and the platform, while the ventilation system has been maintained as it was in the basic project.The Project was awarded for the Best Design and Best Project Financing of the year 2013 by the 11th Latin American Leadership Forum on Infrastructure.
Preliminary Design for the Nizhniaya Maslovka station of the new Tretij Peressadochnyj Kontur metro line.
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