Metro do Porto, S.A. Portugal / Transmetro S.A.
€ 124 million
1999 - 2004
Oporto Metro is one of the largest light transit systems in Portugal, and comprehends the entire metropolitan area of the city. The new metro was designed as a totally underground running tunnel to satisfy the conditions of the historical city center, classified as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. The project is in operation since May 2004.
The project involved the realization of 2 new tunnels (C and S) and the rehabilitation of the Lapa Tunnel (J) for a total length of 7km (excavation diameter: 8.7m and 8.9m - internal diameter: 7.80m), including 10 underground stations, located every 750m to ease the access to passengers. The tunnels were excavated using two EPB-TBMs, while 6 stations were realized by NATM and 4 by Cut&Cover. The real-time interpretation of both the construction monitoring results and the TBM operational parameters, together with the continuous optimization of the design to respond to the conditions encountered brought this project to a state-of-the-art level, particularly with regard to ground movement management.
Detailed design of stations and tunnels, including geological, hydrogeological and geomechanical characterization; Buildings Condition Surveys and Build Risk Assessment (BCS&BRA); Construction Design and Supervision during Construction.
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