Geodata is proud to announce that our Project for the urban rehabilitation of Torino Ceres rail line, to be transformed into the new tramway Line 12 is now within the public agenda of the city of Turin
The excavation of the Bergen Point WWTP Outfall Replacement tunnel in Babylon, Suffolk County, New York is complete!!
Reached the bottom of excavation in the PH cavern -48m
Geological & geotechnical expertise on the Rapid Highway M-12 Moscow–Nizhnyi Novgorod–Kazan
Beginning of the construction works of the 1st lot “Frasso Telesino-Telese” of the new HS/HC Napoli-Bari railway line
GEODATA has been appointed by ANAS (Italian Road Network Company) to execute the final design of the road link from the port of Civitavecchia to the intermodal node of Orte-Monte Romano Est (Civitavecchia) on the National Road S.S. 675 «Umbro-Laziale».
Geodata supports FER, the Municipality of Bologna and The Region Emilia Romagna for the improvement of the urban transport system and citizens life-quality
TBM tunnelling works completed on Forrestfield-Airport Link with the break-through of TBM Sandy at Bayswater Portal on April 20th
RYAZANSKAYA Transit Oriented Development (Moscow)
Inauguration of Terminal 1 on 27th March 2020: a recent great achievement for our company
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