Seminario GEAM dell'8/3/2022
"Valutazione del rischio legato al carsismo mediante modellazione GIS e remote sensing"
InfraBIManager Master Politecnico di Torino (DISEG) Presentazione del 27/11/2021
Strumenti e metodi per la progettazione di una linea metropolitana con il BIM
EUROENGEO 2020 - 3rd European Regional Conference of IAEG
We are proud to announce the acceptance of 3 papers proposed by Geodata for EUROENGEO 2020 planned for October in Athens.
Geodata will attend the online event in program next September 21-24 in Turin
Geodata is proud to announce that our Project for the urban rehabilitation of Torino Ceres rail line, to be transformed into the new tramway Line 12 is now within the public agenda of the city of Turin
Superstar Cities: Transforming for success
On July 2, 2020 Federico Bontempi speaker at MUF 2020 - Moscow Urban Forum
Convention and Exhibition Centre - 10th-13th May 2021
Come and meet Geodata Engineering's Team at booth 25!
Australasian Tunnelling Conference 2020+1 is fast approaching
See you all at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, booth No.25.
The excavation of the Bergen Point WWTP Outfall Replacement tunnel in Babylon, Suffolk County, New York is complete!!
As part of the collaboration with EUCENTRE, GEODATA is funding the Doctoral Scholarship "Understanding and Managing Extremes"
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