Verona Eastern Bypass


Verona Municipality

Cost of works:

€ 300 million

Period of Activity:

2008 - 2009

This PPP project is one of the most important Public – Private projects in Italy and was proposed to rationalize the traffic flow across the city of Verona, which is an important hub for the economic development of Italy and East European transport system. The idea is to build a new connection that completes and closes the road beltway system of the city. The solution proposed was an approximately 12km long beltway, running mainly underground (7.8km) which guarantees the respect of heritage and environmental value areas, and those with high population density, even during construction works.

— Project Description:

The solution proposed is an approximately 12km long beltway, running mainly underground (8.6km) which guarantees the respect of densely-populated areas with both significant artistic and environmental values. Torricelle Tunnel (3860m-long, Ø of 12.7m, 2 lanes per carriageway+emergency lane) and Adige Tunnel (2418m-long, Ø of 12.7m, 2 lanes per carriageway+emergency lane) play a major role in the project and they are designed to be built on two levels, one for each direction, where only the light vehicle traffic will be allowed. Tunnels will be excavated by means of mechanized tunneling techniques, respecting high safety standards during operation and respecting the most recent European Directives to limit construction risks and impacts on environment.

— Description of Services:

Geodata is the main PPP proponent and design JV leader. Geodata has developed alignment studies, tunnel functional and structural design, MEP design, business plan studies and coordination of all design activities.

GEODATA fornisce soluzioni sostenibili e ad alto valore aggiunto per progetti in sotterraneo che soddisfano le crescenti esigenze di trasporto e di sviluppo sostenibile.


GEODATA è certificata

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018


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    10121 Turin - Italy
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