Ministry of Environment- General Secretariat of Concession Projects/ Thermaiki Odos JV
€ 150 million
2007 - 2010
In the Outline Design of the project, two technical solutions were considered:
In both solutions A and B, TBM entrance and exit shafts were considered, as well as ramps to reach the entrance and exit shafts, with the use of Cut & Cover structures and open U-shaped technical works. Also, in order to provide access to the right branch tunnel from the Stratou Avenue, a 300m long conventionally driven tunnel was considered. The TBM twin road tunnel has an external excavation diameter (TBM diameter) varying between 13.7m and 14.5m, depending on the highway section, the ventilation type, the cross-passages, the TBM tail span and other elements, which were considered.
In the Preliminary Design of the project the following technical works were designed:
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