San Martino Tunnel


Municipality of Ancona

Cost of works:

€ 14 million

Period of Activity:

1998 - 2006

The San Martino Tunnel Project, part of the so-called “Plan for the Reconstruction of the City of Ancona”, was developed to increase the overall performance and capacity of the local urban transportation system. San Martino tunnel connects the XXIV Settembre Street and S. Martino Street, in the Ancona City.The total length of the tunnel is 540m.

— Project Description:

The project includes the construction of an approximately 540m-long, double-lane, straight road tunnel with 2.75% slope in the urban centre of Ancona city excavated by NATM. This tunnel passes under a hill with buildings and with minimal cover. The external area for the construction of S. Martino tunnel and its connection to the urban road system comprises three zones: sea-side (Vanvitelli) entrance, from which the excavation of the natural tunnel started, underground excavation site and the portal on the city side (San Martino). The construction of the tunnel began in the 1930s, but during wars the works were stopped, with only two finished sections for about 40m on each portal. Both portals are now enlarged in the initial section. The city side entrance is surrounded by expropriated and demolished post-war constructions. The main impediments are: physical constraints (entrances that were already excavated); constraints on the territory (interferences with the surface areas and geo-morphological conditions, such as nearby faults); construction and operational constraints (admissible settlement, interference with surface areas, location of construction site in a highly inhabited urban city area). The excavation of the tunnel started from the Vanvitelli portal (on the sea side), advancing full-face towards the city center. Two typical sections of excavation and lining were used due to the variable need for pre- consolidation operations of the tunnel face depending on the geotechnical characteristics of the ground crossed.

— Description of Services:

Geological Report; Final Design, Detailed Design and Construction Supervision of civil works, lighting systems, ventilation, atmospheric monitoring and fire-fighting systems; Safety Coordination during construction.

GEODATA fornisce soluzioni sostenibili e ad alto valore aggiunto per progetti in sotterraneo che soddisfano le crescenti esigenze di trasporto e di sviluppo sostenibile.


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