Ecovias dos Imigrantes S.A.
€ 350 million
1998 - 2002
The Rodovia dos Imigrantes is a highway in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The highway connects the city of São Paulo to the Atlantic coast and to the seaside cities of São Vicente and Praia Grande, being one of Brazil's busiest highways, especially on weekends. The highway has been extended in one of the most audacious feats of Brazilian highway engineering, with extremely long tunnels and high strutting six-lane bridges constructed over the tropical rain forest which covers the steep faces of the Serra do Mar, the cliff range that separates the São Paulo plateau from the seaside lowlands. Technical solutions proposed and high value engineering have enabled the Client to obtain the “Environmental Certificate ISO 14001” by the Brazilian Association Technical Norm and to become the first road concessionary in the world gaining this title.
The designed stretch is approx. 17.5km-long and the main works are three tunnels (3 lanes section) for a total length of 8.2km and 9 viaducts (more than 4200m of length). Despite of the use of the most modern road engineering technologies, a long investigation and design phase was required to address continuous environmental legislation evolution and the public awareness of environmental protection that was growing day by day. Due to the geological/geotechnical context, the project was oriented to transfer under Serra do Mar massif most of the works. Longer tunnels and shorter viaduct were built to allow a faster and cheaper construction, and to guarantee a less aggressive impact on the landscape. The 3.1km-long down slope tunnel (TD1) is the longest highway tunnel in Brazil. This solution reduced interference with the forest to a minimum with only a tunnel portal and one emergency exit. Value engineering design was also carried out to reduce viaducts impact by increasing spans width.
Preliminary Design, Basic Design and Detailed Design of all civil works and Detailed Design of Equipment and Safety System.
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