Hukun Railway Passenger Transportation Line of Guizhou Ltd Co.
€ 1,007 million
2010 - 2015
The project is part of a new, passenger-dedicated, double-track High Speed Railway (HSR) Line (350km/h) aimed to connect the cities of Shanghai and Kunming. The full-length of the project is 2,066km and the project is one of the Four East-West High-Speed Railways Projects included in the transport strategy of Chinese Central Government. Guizhou Section is in the West part of the stretch from Changsha to Kunming (1175km), linking the Provinces of Hunan and Yunnan and it crosses the Province of Guizhou for 559km, and it includes 12 stations.
Lot 1 refers to the Construction Contracts 1 and 2 for a total length of 80km, which include 42 tunnels, 76 viaduct/bridges, and 2 stations. The longest tunnel is 3,685m-long, 4 viaducts are longer than 1,000m and their height is comprised between 10 and 80m. Tunnels and Bridges were constructed using prefabricated box girders and cantilevered post-stressed bridge spans. All tunnels were constructed using the traditional NATM method. The distance between the two stations is about 48 Km. Ballastless track technology was used systematically.
General Construction supervision for Construction Contracts 1 and 2 under Supervision Lot 1 of Guizhou Section. Particular attention was given to Construction Safety and Quality Control, Environment, Risk Management, Progress and Costs Control.
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