Brenner Base Railway Tunnel


Galleria di Base del Brennero – Brenner Basis Tunnel BBT SE

Cost of works:

€ 5,125 million

Period of Activity:

2011 - 2013

The Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) is the main feature of the new Brenner railway line running from Munich to Verona. With its 64km of length it is the longest underground railway connection in the world, a pioneering work of engineering and it will markedly improve passenger travel and freight transport through the heart of Europe.

— Project Description:

The BBT consists of two, single-track tubes with a diameter of 8.1m-each. The two tubes are linked every 333m by interconnecting adits for emergency or escape purposes. This configuration conforms to the actual, highest security standards for tunnels. A peculiar feature of BBT is the exploratory tunnel running from one end to the other one. This tunnel lies between the two main tunnels, about 12m-below them, and it has a diameter of 5m (notably smaller than the main tubes). The excavations currently underway on the exploratory tunnel should provide information on the rock mass and thereby reduce costs and times for construction. The exploratory tunnel will be essential for drainage when the BBT becomes operational.

— Description of Services:

Review of the Final Design, Elaboration of standards for future design phases.

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  • ISO 45001:2018


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