Boumedfaa - Djelfa High Speed Railway line (LGV2)


SNTF /Pizzarotti SpA, Todini SpA, C.M.C SpA, C.L.F. SpA

Cost of works:

€ 2,600 million

Period of Activity:

2006 - 2006

The line, located on the Atlas Saharien and the Haut Plateau, will link Djelfa with Boumedfaa, which represents the interchange node with the line Orano - Algeri. The new line Bou Medfaa - Djelfa, for both passengers and freight transportation, is about 277km long.

— Project Description:

The main works of the project include 5 new stations (among which the one of the city of Boughzoul, which is the most important and fast growing cities of Algeria), 18 double-tube and 6 single-tube tunnels for an aggregate length of 37km, and 16 viaducts for a total length of over 10km. Beside the railway alignment definition, the design of civil works like bridges, viaducts and tunnels was performed as well as the development of the architectural design of the railways stations along the line. The ERTMS-2 (European Rail Traffic Management System) railway system is applied and all the design drawings of the signaling part, telecom, catenaries line and also the SCADA have been prepared according to this European System.

— Description of Services:

Preliminary Design detailed as Final Design for the geology and for the underground works.

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