Moscow Metro Department Under Construction /OAO Mosghiprotrans
€ 184 million (estimated)
2013 - 2014
Volzhskaya is an underground station of Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya Line (Line 10) of Moscow Metro. It was opened to public in late December 1995 as the final part of the first stage of the Lyblinsky radius and in 2013 it was included in a TOD (Transit Oriented Development) Project which involves the rationalization of the functions and spaces around the station Metro ‘’Volzhskaya’’.
The planning concept goal for "Volzhskaya" metro station was to elaborate an urban planning strategy that provides the opportunity for the development of all the single components of the project, such as public transit, private mobility as well as pedestrian connections and public center development. A series of options have been studied in order to maximize the centrality of the TOD area and its connections with the rest of the zones of this project. The Volzhskaya TOD project presents 3 main urban zones: 1) the transit facilities zone (proper TOD area); 2) the main public space which is a vast area linking the transit modes with pedestrian paths (TOD Plaza); 3) the public center zone which includes the most relevant built volume within the project. A strong architectonic design concept was needed for this TOD project, considering its extension, linearity and need of large-scale visibility.
Preliminary design of interchange node (TOD, Transit Oriented Development) with the Moscow Metro station‘’Volzhskaya’’:
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