Reinforcement of the Frassino Sanctuary


CEPAV DUE – Consortium ENI for the High Speed Railway

Cost of works:


Period of Activity:

2015 - 2015

In the town of Peschiera, southeast of Garda Lake, is the Madonna del Frassino Sanctuary, built between 1515 and 1518 in Renaissance style. In between the Sanctuary, on the south side, and the A4-Highway, on the north side, there will be the new High-Speed - High-Capacity railway line that is an integral part of the TEN-T trans-European Corridor "Mediterranean".

— Project Description:

The railway will pass in tunnel, almost 18m below the ground level, at a minimum distance of 30m from the Sanctuary. The weakness of the ancient Catholic Church as well as the delicate equilibrium of the ground water setting with the environment in a zone located between the moraine hills (on the south side) and the Garda Lake (on the north side) are the main issues to consider for both, the construction and the operation phases.

— Description of Services:

Technical Expertise for the consolidation of the Frassino Sanctuary, during the construction of the underground high speed railway, located at a minimum distance of 30m - The main issues are related to the interference of the tunnel (direction E-W) with groundwater flow (direction S to N) and to the vibrations due to the machineries (construction phase) and to the passage of the trains (operation phase). Geodata proposes the technical solutions to avoid the unwanted variations of the groundwater level, due to the dewatering (decreasing during construction phase) and to the “dam-effect” (increasing during final phase), as well as to preserve the ancient Church over time. A proper monitoring plan is defined to control, at ground level and below grade, the interferences with the Sanctuary due to the works as well as to the run of the high speed trains.

GEODATA fornisce soluzioni sostenibili e ad alto valore aggiunto per progetti in sotterraneo che soddisfano le crescenti esigenze di trasporto e di sviluppo sostenibile.


GEODATA è certificata

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018


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    10121 Turin - Italy
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