Where we work and we worked


Santiago-Batuco Railway Line


Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado (EFE)

Cost of works:

668 million €

Period of Activity:

2015 - 2020

This project is included in a larger Railway development strategy of the Chilean Railway Agency (EFE) to increase railway traffic for both passenger and freight, in particular across the Metropolitan area of Santiago.

— Project Description:

The Santiago-Batuco connection is a new commuter line with a global length of 27km between the existing Quinta Normal Station and Batuco. The line will be provided with 3 main tracks: two for passenger trains and one freight-dedicated (not electrified).
The project includes: 7 new stations (including the underground Quinta Normal station to be integrated within the existing metro station); a 1.5km-long tunnel; one emergency and ventilation shaft for the tunnel; 5 new underpasses to eliminate all the existing at grade level crossings; 53 new bridges with different spans and lengths; several pedestrian overbridges, track works, and utilities diversions.
A new depot and maintenance facility have been conceived for rolling stock and track maintenance.
The design also includes the definition of all systems and equipment as follows: traction substations and overhead catenary, signalling system, CTC and communication systems as well as MEP design for tunnel, underpasses, stations and facilities.
Several train-simulations have been performed during the design stages to determine the rolling stock requirements to meet the expected minimum headway of 6 minutes during pick hours.
Two line extensions have been defined at Conceptual Design level: the first one is a 22km-long, new double-line extension running between Batuco to Til Til in the north; the second one connects Las Industrias and Chicureo (a populated suburb in the eastern part of Santiago) for a length of 35km.
A comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment has been developed, integrated by social and resettlement studies, including stakeholder and community involvement process.



— Description of Services:

The services provided include Basic and Detailed Engineering Design for the Santiago - Batuco railway line, Concept Design for the Valle Grande - Chicureo connection and Batuco - Til Til line extension and the associated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies.

GEODATA fornisce soluzioni sostenibili e ad alto valore aggiunto per progetti in sotterraneo che soddisfano le crescenti esigenze di trasporto e di sviluppo sostenibile.


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