Where we work and we worked


Combined Road and Railway Corridor for the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi


RZhD – Russian Federal Railways / Institute Lenmetrogiprotrans

Cost of works:

€ 5,400 million

Period of Activity:

2009 - 2013

The XXII Winter Olympic Games were held for the first time in Russia in 2014 in Sochi. The competitions were subdivided in two areas, the city complex and the mountain resort of Alpika Service. The Olympic Games held in 2014 in the city of Sochi were a showcase to allow the Krasnodar Region to present itself to the world and to invest in its future, taking advantage of the many infrastructure facilities designed, constructed and improved. For this purpose a new 45km-long Combined Road and Railway link between the cities of Adler and Krasnaya Poliana was developed and constructed to meet expected requirements for the Winter Olympic Games. In order to minimize the environmental impact in a naturalistically very rich region, the infrastructures were developed primarily underground for a total length of approximately 29km.

— Project Description:

The underground parts of the Adler-Alpika Service will includes 6 systems of tunnels with a total number of 12 tubes: three systems are composed by Railway, Road and Service tunnel (N.1, N.3, N.5), the three others are composed by a railway tunnel (N.2, N.4, N.6). The key elements of the project are represented by the need to fulfill the time constraints imposed by the deadline of the Olympic games, by the concentration of huge amount of work to be realized in the same time and by the variability of the condition encountered in the various tunnels along the alignment.

— Description of Services:

Final and Detailed Design of all tunnels; Author’s Supervision of all tunnels.

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  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018


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