La Maddalena Adit on the Turin - Lyon High Speed Rail Line Project


LTF – Lyon Turin Ferroviarie sas

Cost of works:

€ 107 million

Period of Activity:

2005 -

The Maddalena Exploratory Adit is part of High Speed Rail project to connect Turin (North Western Italy) and Lyon (Central France), being the central and key section of the “Mediterranean Corridor” on the East-West alignment which connects Budapest (Hungary) with Seville (Spain). The project has repeatedly been the objective of demonstrations by political organizations who oppose construction of the Turin-Lyon High Speed Rail Line. The protests and marches have often ended in violent clashes with the police force, permanently mobilized together with the army to defend the site which at the beginning of 2012 was declared of strategic national interest.

— Project Description:

“La Maddalena” exploratory adit was originally planned to be 10km-long and excavated by an open TBM (diam. of 6.30m) from a portal located near the village of Venaus in the Susa Valley. In 2005 the project came to a stop due to repeated protests of inhabitants and a new alignment was studied for the rail line, including the base tunnel and the exploratory adit, relocating the portal at a site known as “La Maddalena” near the village of Chiomonte, shortening the adit length to 7.5km. The new solution was approved by the Italian government in 2010. Works have been underway since 2011. Once in operation the adit will be used for ventilation, maintenance and safety purposes or as emergency access to the 53km-long Base Tunnel.

— Description of Services:

Project and Construction Management, including Works Supervision, Safety and Health Coordination, Detail Design approval.

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  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018


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