Bologna Underpass (Lot 5) on the Milan - Naples HSR Line


Ferrovie delle Stato – TAV/San Ruffillo JV: Acciona (Necso) - Salini-Ghella

Cost of works:

€ 98 million

Period of Activity:

2004 - 2006

The "Bologna Underpass" is the underground connection in the city of Bologna belonging to the high-speed railway line linking Milan to Naples. The alignment is mainly developed under the embankment of the existing railway line Bologna-Firenze (the main rail link line north-south of Italy) and consists of two single-tube, parallel tunnels crossing the city from the south, near San Ruffillo, to the new railway station in Bologna.

— Project Description:

The project involved the mechanical excavation with EPB-TBM of two, 6,112m-long, parallel tunnels with a diameter of 9.4m and with an inter-axis of 15m. The predominantly granular ground conditions, the urban setting and the presence of a strategic surface railway line pose a significant challenge for the construction of this portion of the high speed railway line. In the first part, the tunnels were excavated in argillaceous and sandy deposits under the water table, while the second part in deposits of Savena River, mainly composed by gravel and sands with a certain percentage of fine parts.

— Description of Services:

Geotechnical Assistance; Detailed Design and Supervision during construction of the tunnels excavated by TBM.

GEODATA, a provider of sustainable and value-added solutions for underground projects to meet the ever-increasing demands of transportation and sustainable development.


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  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018


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