GMR Group
USD $ 273 million
2013 - 2016
GMR Energy is developing the 180MW Bajoli Holi Hydroelectric Project on the Ravi River, in the Chamba District of the state Himachal Pradesh. The hydropower project has been awarded to GMR Hydro Power by the Indian Government on a Build-Own- Operate-Transfer (BOOT) basis for 40 years from the date of commissioning.
The Run-Off-River (ROR) project envisages the construction of a 66m-high concrete gravity dam near Bajoli village, approximately 950 m downstream of the confluence of Channi nallah and the river Ravi. The diverted water shall be carried through a water conductor system planned on the left bank of Ravi to a surface powerhouse. The water conductor system comprises a power intake structure which feeds two inlet tunnels that bring the water to two underground Desanding chambers which are connected to the headrace tunnel through two link tunnels. Water passes through HRT then into Surge Shaft, Pressure Shaft, Surface Power House and tail race tunnel and back into Ravi River. The rest of the water conductor system comprises of pressure shaft connected to the headrace tunnel through a surge shaft, and a tailrace channel which brings the water back into Ravi at the mouth of Kuther HEP reservoir. The surface powerhouse complex consist of, three units of 60MW, each, is proposed on a terrace available on the left bank of the river.
The Project assigned develops in 2 stages: Design Review (Stage 1) and Project Management (Stage 2), including: Review of Detailed Design; Comprehensive Project Planning & Monitoring; Value Engineering; Construction Supervision.
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