Porte bypass on National Road SS23 from Turin to Sestriere


Agenzia per lo svolgimento dei XX Giochi Olimpici “Torino 2006”

Cost of works:

€ 57 million

Period of Activity:

2002 - 2006

The project, part of the large infrastructure development plan for the XX Winter Olympic Games held in Turin in 2006, diverted the traffic on the existing National Road SS23 and avoided passing through the center of the Porte village. Owner / Client Agenzia per lo svolgimento dei XX Giochi Olimpici “Torino 2006”

— Project Description:

The alignment of the project develops alternately on the two banks of the Chisone river for a total length of about 5km and it is divided into 2 tunnels: the Craviale Tunnel (L= 1055m) and the La Turina Tunnel (L= 660m); two bridges; and 2 viaducts for a total length of about 700m. The remaining parts of the project were built on embankments.

— Description of Services:

Geological Studies, Geotechnical Investigations, Coordination both during design and construction.

GEODATA fornisce soluzioni sostenibili e ad alto valore aggiunto per progetti in sotterraneo che soddisfano le crescenti esigenze di trasporto e di sviluppo sostenibile.


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