Pedemontana Lombarda Motorway (Dalmine-Como-Varese Motorway Connection)


APL S.p.A. – Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda (promoter and concessionaire)

Cost of works:

€ 3100 million

Period of Activity:

2002 - 2005

The Pedemontana Lombarda Motorway (Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda –APL) consists of a road section between Busto Arsizio and Brembate and two beltways around Como and Varese. It is a socially and economically strategic road link, since the artery runs through a territory with more than 220,000 Companies (40% of the regional total) with four million inhabitants. The aim of APL is to redistribute the traffic on the existing road system, tackle with the lack of infrastructural offer in the area of North of Milan and allow for a new connection with Switzerland (crossing road in Gaggiolo), link the three main airports of Lombardy. The overall development of the track is about 77km, including accessory works, 19% of which runs through mined tunnels and 16% through artificial tunnels.

— Project Description:

The alignments is divided in a “main axis” (67km-long) and two connection roads (beltways): the so-called “Varese Division” (11km) and the “Como Division” (9km). The main design issues concern the location of major works within one of the most urbanized territories of Europe. Technical and economical convenience of both traditional and mechanical boring technique have been assessed for each tunnel in the design. For the Beltway of Como, a TBM with a diameter of 14.80m was foreseen; although in densely urbanized area, the cut & cover construction technique has been adopted. The design of the Adda River crossing was particularly delicate, due to the need to integrate the railway line in an environmentally sensitive zone.

— Description of Services:

Preliminary Design and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

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