Omegna Bypass on Regional Road 229


SCR Piemonte

Cost of works:

€ 47 million

Period of Activity:

2003 - 2014

The Regional Road RR229 runs within the Municipalities of Gravellona Toce and Casale Corte Cerro, in the Province of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, located in the North-Western part of the Region of Piedmont, close to Alps Mountain Range.

— Project Description:

The Gravellona Toce junction which is particularly congested by the significant volume of traffic and the convergence of various roads and highway arteries was improved with the approx. 3km-long underground extension of the existing bypass that reaches the eastern side of Gravellona. The road can be classified as secondary extra-urban type C1, and the design speed is 60-100 Km/h. The road platform is 10.50m wide (two 3.75m-wide lanes and 1.50m-wide sideways). The project was subdivided into three segments with different characteristics: Section 1: includes 2 viaducts (Strona 1 Viaduct and Strona 2 Viaduct, overall length of 700m) connected by an approximately 1420m-long section on embankment; Section 2: consists of Bocciol Tunnel, beneath the Western side of Monte Zucchero; Section 3: consists of the connection of the new infrastructure with the Regional Road 33, within the proximity of the Northern entrance of the Bocciol Tunnel. New road, tunnel and junctions are open to traffic since June 2014.

— Description of Services:

Preliminary, Final and Detailed Design; Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Construction and Site Supervision; Health and Safety Coordination during design and construction.

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