Egnatia Odos Motorway - Agia Triada & Syrtos Tunnels


Egnatia Odos AE

Cost of works:

€ 33 million

Period of Activity:

2003 - 2005

Egnatia Odos is a new major 680km motorway crossing northern Greece and linking the Adriatic Sea, via Thessaloniki and Alexandroupolis, to the border with Turkey. The alignment includes a dual two-lane motorway and is being funded by the European Union, the Greek Government, and the European Investment Bank.

— Project Description:

Agia Triada Tunnel is approximately 450m-long and it is constructed under very shallow cover in sandstones, siltstones and conglomerate. Syrtos Tunnel is approximately 1500m-long and it is constructed at a depth up to 120m. A series of designs for the primary support were developed for each geomechanical scenarios. The tunnels were excavated by top heading and bench using conventional tunnelling methods. Cross-passages are located every 350m. For the Syrtos Tunnel, a lay-by and a vehicle cross passage were also included, with design satisfying new European Safety Directives.

— Description of Services:

Detailed Design (including geological, geotechnical, structural and hydraulics report) of the double-tube Syrtos and Agia Triada tunnels.

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  • ISO 45001:2018


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