Brisbane Legacy Way Project


Transcity JV composed by BMD Construction, Ghella SpA and Acciona Infraestructuras

Cost of works:

AUS$ 1,500 million

Period of Activity:

2013 - 2013

Legacy Way is Australia’s most recent major, urban tunnel project. Legacy Way is a tolled, 4.6km road tunnel that connects Brisbane’s western and inner northern suburbs via the Western Freeway at Toowong and the Inner City Bypass (ICB) at Kelvin Grove. It involves 2 bored twin 12.4m diameter tunnels carrying 2 motorway lanes each; 37 underground cross-passages at 120m interval each with fire life safety protection and management systems; a longitudinal ventilation system; and free-flow electronic tolling. Legacy Way is part of a package of works. It is the fourth of five projects which together form Council’s TransApex ring road, a system of roads, tunnels and bridges designed to reduce inner city congestion and improve cross city connectivity. Transcity, a JV between BMD Construction, Ghella SpA and Acciona Infraestructuras, was awarded the contract for the design and construction of the Brisbane Legacy Way.

— Project Description:

Project construction has involved: world record breaking performance for tunnel excavation by two 12.4m diameter double shield Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs); 38,700 pre-cast concrete segments to line the tunnel walls and over 1,200 concrete piles; underground conveyor tunnel to transport one million cubic metres of spoil to the Mt Coot-tha Quarry; Surface work completed offline reducing construction impacts on motorists; Over 185,000m² of asphalt laid across the whole project; and four hectare expansion of the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot tha.

— Description of Services:

Geodata carried out the Proof Engineer Services for the segment dowels, including:

  • Geodata supervised the tests on dowels after agreement of the test procedure with Transcity JV to ensure that they are accurate and that the results are a true representation of the performance of the dowels. Geodata has also prepared the "Proof Checking Report", assessing test results and integrate them with findings of the 3D FE calculations.
  • Assessment of the design shear capacity of the dowels used across segment circumferential joints. These dowels comprise of a nylon encapsulated steel rod, nylon or aluminum centering, cast-in in plastic socket and the steel fibre reinforced concrete of the tunnel segment.
  • Evaluation through independent calculation the Serviceability capacity and the Ultimate capacity of both the single dowel and two adjacent dowels connections. It is noted that the actual coupIed ring analysis and the derivation of the design loads applied to the connection do not form part of the Scope of work and the design loads were provided by Transcity.
  • Preparation a testing program for testing dowels in steel fibre reinforced panels to arrive at a design capacity.
  • Geodata also performed full independent calculations including numerical analysis was performed to assure that the final assessment is accepted by the Independent Verifier.

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  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018


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