Turin – Modane Railway – Modernization of the Frejus tunnel


RFI – Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A.

Cost of works:

€ 84 million

Period of Activity:

2003 - 2008

The Frejus Tunnel on the Turin - Modane Railway Line was bored between 1857 and 1871 and with its approx. 13.7km of length remained for more than one century the only direct connection between France and Italy. It is a piece of pioneering work for its geometry and excavation method, still being an efficient communication way through the Alps both for commodity and for passengers. The tunnel was originally designed by the famous engineer Sommelier and it is currently crossed by the double-track railway line which connects Turin and Lyon.

— Project Description:

Due to the increasing traffic in last decades, the upgrade of the double-track tunnel was an urgency. The modernization of the Frejus Tunnel in the Italian side (8.5km) consisted of lowering underground the actual rail level by approximately 60cm and upgrading the technological apparatuses. After complex interventions of profile widening, consolidations of the structures and safety interventions, it was then possible to transport heavy trucks on train. All works relating to the civil engineering and the update of the installations were done by maintaining one rail under complete operation.

— Description of Services:

Critical analysis of the tender design, 3D profilometric surveys of the existing tunnel, geological and geotechnical investigations, detailed design of civil works and MEP of the interventions for the lining rehabilitation, detailed design of the section enlargement for lowering the rails, detailed design of the safety installations. Technical assistance during construction.

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  • Corso Bolzano 14
    10121 Turin - Italy
  • +39
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