FER - Ferrovie Emilia Romagna S.r.l.
46.5 million €
2019 - 2020
Bologna Municipality and Emilia-Romagna Region decided to follow up the strategic plan for the lowering underground a stretch of the SFM2 Bologna Centrale-Portomaggiore Railway Line, whose construction dates to the 90s.
The intervention develops from the entrance of the Zanolini tunnel to Via Larga and it is divided into two lots: Zanolini - via Rimesse (Lot 1) and Via Larga (Lot 2).
The main scope of our activities is to improve the functionality of the railway system, increase road network safety and re-establish the traffic flow of the city by eliminating 5 urban railway crossing and by lowering underground the two lots.
The works consist of 2,435m of single-track line (1,325m Lot 1 + 1,100m Lot 2) and 3 new underground stations with platforms of 160m of length. The alignment runs for 526m in C&C tunnel, for 30m in NATM tunnel and 1.256m in trench.
A 2 km of cycle lane above the tunnel - used to close the trench - will complete the railway line and bring further added value to the whole mobility of the area.
Review of the design including the coordination for safety during the design phase and development of the final design of alignment, civil works, finishing, Mep, railway installations, about 56000sqm of urban arrangement, public utilities diversion, worksites and road diversion, monitoring plan for existing buildings, geological investigations, archaeological investigations plan and environmental feasibility study.
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