Napoli-Bari High Speed Railway requalification Project Section Frasso Telesino – Telese


R.F.I. Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Italian Railway Network)

Cost of works:

€ 228,6 million

Period of Activity:

2019 - 2024

The Frasso Telesino – Telese lot is the first of the two functional railway lots of the Frasso Telesino to Vitulano line. The project, with an overall length of 11,2 km, consists of doubling (partially in parallel) the historical, existing railway line.

Once complete, the travel time between Napoli and Bari will be reduced by 1h40m, taking only 2h. The Napoli - Bari transversal axis plays a key role in the commercial development of Southern Italy, since these two areas alone reach more than 40% of the entire market production of Southern Italy

— Project Description:

The Frasso Telesino – Telese lot is the first of the two functional railway lots of the Frasso Telesino to Vitulano line. The project, with an overall length of 11,2 km, consists of doubling (partially in parallel) the historical, existing railway line.

Once complete, the travel time between Napoli and Bari will be reduced by 1h40m, taking only 2h. The Napoli - Bari transversal axis plays a key role in the commercial development of Southern Italy, since these two areas alone reach more than 40% of the entire market production of Southern Italy.

The main works included in the lot are: the Telese tunnel of 2.900m of length to be excavated by C&C; 7 viaducts for a total length of 930; a 312m-long overpass and the two new stations, Amorosi and Telese.

Geodata is the main designer and it has a central role in the project management. This job is the first full BIM project commissioned by RFI.

— Description of Services:

Executive and detailed design including: civil works, railway superstructure, electrical traction systems, other railway technologies, stop and station systems. The executive and detailed design consist of: definition of the railway alignment; geological, geotechnical, hydrology, hydraulics and water management studies; environmental integration studies; interference diversion of the public services; design of the site road system; railway safety and interoperability; railway operation phases management; control and signaling systems; electric traction and substations; electric and mechanical systems.

The main components developed in the executive project are:

  • reduction of interferences on the road system during the construction of the C&C tunnel, applying non-invasive technical solutions aimed at minimizing the vehicular traffic;
  • improvement of passengers’ accessibility at Telese station to guarantee unchanged safety and comfort conditions during the construction phases;
  • design of geotechnical improvement to mitigate the liquefaction risk under the railway foundation, characterized by sandy soils under water table;
  • definition of the management plan during geological and environmental surveys and identification of the best solution for the management of the excavation materials;
  • compliance with the requirements of the final project issued by public entities

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  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018


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