Etihad Rail/ Sinohydro Group Ltd. (Gulf)
USD 2,300 million
2012 - 2013
1,200km of Etihad Rail’s network will extend across the United Arab Emirates, from the Saudi Arabian to the Omani borders. The Stage 2 will connect the railway to Mussafah, to the Gulf ports of Khalifa and Jebel Ali, and the two borders.
The railway alignment provides a full line speed of 200km/h for passenger and 120km/h for freight with long straights and large radio curves. Etihad Rail has selected ETCS Level 2 as the rail standard to ensure interoperability with the GCC Railway Network.
The overall length of studied packages is about 550km, including passengers stations, railway freight facilities, maintenance yards, and depot.
Project was divided in diferent stages (packages):
Geodata performed feasibility design and value engineering studies during the tender phase. In particular:
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