Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo - METRÔ
€ 1,800 million
2011 - 2015
The existing Line 5 of the São Paulo Metro was inaugurated in 2002 and the extension of the existing Line 5, from the southwest of the city to the expanded center, will improve the mobility of public transport users in the Capão Redondo-Largo Treze Chácara Klabin corridor. With this extension Line 5 will be 20.1 km long, including 15 intermediate stations. In 2016, when the entire extension will be completed, the line capability will increase from 250,000 to around 770,000 passengers per day. In 2013 Geodata was awarded by ABECE (Brazilian Association of Structural Engineering and Consultancy) and Brasfond for the design of the Brooklyn station and the brilliant work on Lot 3 of the extension.
The extension of Line 5 involves the design and construction of 11km of twin TBM-EPB tunnels, 10 new stations (either Cut&Cover excavated or by SEM caverns), 13 shafts, a terminal train depot and the delivery of 26 new trains. The new line will connect the Largo Treze Station to the Chácara Klabin Station in Vila Mariana, ultimately merging with Line 1 – Blue, at the Santa Cruz Station, Line 2 – Green, at the Chácara Klabin Station, and Line 17 – Gold, at the Campo Belo Station.
Detailed Design of the civil works for all the 7 lots of the extension of the line and Author’s Supervision (ATO) during construction.
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