Rome Metro. Line D


Roma Metropolitane s.r.l.

Cost of works:

€ 1.365 million

Period of Activity:

2006 - 2007

First example of Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) for a Metro in Italy, the realization of Line D provides a better accessibility to the historic center of Rome, improving both the urban and environmental quality. The strong archeological and anthropic constraints linked to the peculiarity of Rome play an important role in the project considering that the line will cross the central core of the city. The complexity and size of the work need a high profile of national and international competency to approach all the matters of civil engineering and tunneling, architecture, environment, archeology, system technologies, and financial engineering.

— Project Description:

The Line D of the Rome Metro consists of a priority section, between Fermi and Prati Fiscali stations (11km and 12 stations), and 2 optional sections: the East Extension to the Ojetti Station (5km, 6 stations) and the South Extension to the Agricoltura station (3.9km, 4 stations). The line develops in a double-track, single-tube tunnel for a total length of over 20km to be executed by mechanized excavation; 22 underground stations are foreseen, most of all belonging to the historical and monumental city center, with several interchanges with the regional railways and the other Metro’s lines. A particular attention was paid in the station projects, trying to give a strong sign of valorization to the urban context, in a very delicate and sensible environment also for the archeological issues. The Concessionaire will have to guarantee an 800-users unit capacity of the trains, high frequency of the service (90 seconds during the rush hours), a completely automatic system, and high-comfort standards.

— Description of Services:

Geodata, as Design leader of the Consortium, developed the general concept of the whole system and the preliminary design of architectures, structures, and MEP.

GEODATA fornisce soluzioni sostenibili e ad alto valore aggiunto per progetti in sotterraneo che soddisfano le crescenti esigenze di trasporto e di sviluppo sostenibile.


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  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018


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