Colbun S.A.
USD 126 million
2008 - 2015
The Angostura HPP Central was built by Colbùn S.A. for the hydroelectric production in the Biobío region, in Chile, for an approximate equivalent energetic consumption of 480,000 inhabitants, whom represent 23% of the Biobío region. Angostura is the first reservoir central in Chile with minimum height variation, what allow maximizing the tourist activity on the riverside. The environmental stratigraphic surveys of this project has developed in- depth analysis of the reservoir impacts on rural and agricultural activities. Among others, it has been required in-depth hydrogeological studies.
he Angostura hydroelectrical power plant has power installation of 316 MW, equipped with three Francis turbines. It is operating since 2014, after 48 months of construction.
Geological, geomechanical and hydrogeological studies in the extended area of the reservoir; numerical modeling of filtration in the set of the dam, and geomechanical characterization of the underground works: - Geological and geomorphological reliefs of the area of the reservoir, scale 1:10,000; - Geological – structural relief on site of the underground works and dam, scale 1: 2,000; - Log stratigraphic surveys, geological and geotechnical characterization of underground works; - Environmental impact study on the components of the soil and subsoil; - Hydrogeological study of the reservoir basin; - Slope stability study of the reservoir basin; - Risks analysis of the phenomena of landslide along the reservoir in operation; - Numerical modeling of the groundwater flow; - Calculation of the filtration flow rate through and under the embankment and the diaphragm; - Impact assessment on the aquifers and the rivers downstream of the reservoir.
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