High-Speed Railway Rio de Janeiro-São Paulo-Campinas

High-Speed Railway Rio de Janeiro-São Paulo-Campinas


Governo Federal do Brasil / Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID)

Cost of works:

€ 15,000 million

Period of Activity:

2009 - 2009

The High Speed Train (TAV) is a high-speed passenger rail service that connects the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Campinas. The TAV project represents a new technological milestone for Brazil, comprising of a new transportation alternative that will provide a comfortable, safe, fast, reliable and high quality trip. The project will reduce the pressure imposed by the growing passengers flow on congested highways and airports located over the Rio de Janeiro - Sao Paulo axis.

— Project Description:

HSR line passes through the cities of Campinas, Guarulhos, São Paulo and São José dos Campos in the São Paulo state and through Rio de Janeiro, Volta Redonda and Barra Mansa in the state of Rio de Janeiro. It 18 per cent of the track length passes through tunnels (more than 90km) and about 21 per cent through viaducts. The trains travel at an average speed of 300-350 km/hr.

— Description of Services:

Coordination and supervision of site investigations along the high-speed train line. Geodata proposed, developed and applied a web-based geographical information system (GDMS) to monitor the progress of site investigations and for sharing data obtained in real time. After completing the site investigations, Geodata performed a risk analysis (RA) of the entire alignment based on the results obtained as well as the geological mapping and studies. The RA allowed Geodata to recommend the client alignment modifications and improvements.

GEODATA fornisce soluzioni sostenibili e ad alto valore aggiunto per progetti in sotterraneo che soddisfano le crescenti esigenze di trasporto e di sviluppo sostenibile.


GEODATA è certificata

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO 45001:2018


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