Aquifers of the Savannah of Bogotá


Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible. Rep. de Colombia

Cost of works:


Period of Activity:

2014 - 2014

The aquifer of the Savannah of Bogotá is an important factor of socio-economic development, being the source of drinking water for the population of some municipalities in the metropolitan area of Bogotá. Due to the increased use of underground water in last years led by major productive sectors, the ground water table has lowered of several tens of meters over a period of 20-30 years of exploitation, causing lesser productivity, higher pumping costs, and possible problems of land subsidence in some areas. For these reasons, the Colombian Government deemed necessary to prepare an united-planning tool of underground water resources of this area in order to know their potentiality, identify problems or risks, and define the programs to deal with the needs of the community.

— Project Description:

The project consists of the Technical Assistance to the Environmental Secretariat District and to the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR) for the Adjustment and Settlement of the Environmental Management Plan of the Aquifers of the Savannah of Bogotá – Phase II. The assignment specifically refers to the update of the inventory of groundwater locations and to the design or re-design of networks for the monitoring of levels, hydrochemistry and quality. This contract is partially funded by IBRD and World Bank.

— Description of Services:

  • Strengthening of networks for the monitoring of levels, hydrochemistry and quality;
  • Characterization of cultural-economic-social situation through participatory diagnosis;
  • Develop a work plan to reach the Environmental Management Plan of the Aquifers ;
  • Realization of a course on environmental hydrogeology organized by modules.

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