St. Petersburg Metro / SMU 13
€ 27 million
2012 - 2012
The project concerns the realization of an inclined access tunnel for connecting the surface with the Spasskaya metro station, already built along Line 4 and operational. It is the third inclined tunnel realized with TBM in the same metro system; in fact, the twin tunnels for connecting the surface with the Obvodniy Kanal and Admiralteiskaya stations were built in 2009 and 2011 respectively.
The inclined tunnel hosts the escalators and it is the access to the station platform; the tunnel is circular, with an internal diameter of 9.4m, an inclination of 30°, and a length of 88m. The excavation was made using an EPB-TBM S-441 manufactured by Herreknecht. The tunnel starting shaft is circular with a diameter of 21,3m, built with secant piles in reinforced concrete. Both the mechanized tunnelling technology used (tunnelling shield with back-up, start-up construction, control and support systems with cylinders and ropes) and the supplied components for operation of the construction site (segment formwork, crane) proved their capabilities in use. This challenging job was completed in 2012 within two months, one month in advance with respect to the scheduled date for completion.
Performing of Technical and Operational Procedures, and Method Statements, for the tunnel excavation and construction follow-up both in-site and remote (with the support of the GDMS System tool for TBM data collection and real time monitoring).
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