Regione Piemonte e RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana / Torino Municipality
€ 208 million
2007 - 2010
The new complex is planned to house all the regional offices in one single high-rise building designed by architect Massimiliano Fuksas. The project is part of the renovation concerning this area that includes residential buildings, shopping centres and underground parking lots.
“New Building of the Regione Piemonte” (administrative district of the Piedmont region - Italy). The building complex is located in the former industrial area known as “ex-Fiat Avio”, in the municipality of Turin. The complex is composed of two elements: the main tower (110 m height) in which are located the offices of the Region and a lower building with the Congress Centre, the Headquarter of the Regional Council and other services for the city, the pertaining road network.
Design of foundations (Lot .3, including the “New Building for offices of the Regione Piemonte” and the Headquarter of the Regional Council).
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