Where we work and we worked


Flood - relief tunnels of the Maldonado River in Buenos Aires


Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Cost of works:

USD $ 220 million

Period of Activity:

2008 - 2013

Large areas of Buenos Aires are periodically flooded after thunderstorms. The main causes of flooding are common to many cities in the world: urbanisation and channelling of rivers into box culverts with insufficient free flow capacity for efficient drainage. The city administration opted for an ambitious solution to the problem for the most critical of the ten closed-channel rivers crossing the city, the Maldonado River. The project diverts flood flow from three points along the Maldonado river culvert into two flood control tunnels which convey excess water to the Rio de la Plata.

— Project Description:

The construction of these two hydraulic tunnels, respectively 10km and 5km-long, with a 6.90m internal diameter, started in 2008 simultaneously and 4 years later both of them were completed and already in function, one year ahead of the estimated completion period; in fact, the 5km-long tunnel was commissioned in June 2011 and the second 10km-long tunnel in August 2012. Other main structures include three intake 14-m dia. shafts that convey flow into the tunnels and a 40-m dia. outlet shaft, the end point of the storm water drainage system reached by the two flood diversion tunnels, followed by a 100 m-long canal that discharges the diverted floods into the Rio de la Plata. Today, with these two tunnels the flood-water discharge capacity along the Maldonado river is doubled.

— Description of Services:

Construction management, including review and approval of detailed design; geotechnical and quality control; health and safety coordination during construction; environmental control during construction; risk analysis; technical, administrative and legal assistance during construction.

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